Air Blower Investigating and Arrangements
Air Blower Investigating and Arrangements With the improvement of engine innovation, the blower is considered as “general hardware”, particularly in the coal compound industry, apparatus industry and different ventures. From a technical standpoint, both incremental and absolute encoders can be chosen for distance measurement applications. The upsides of outright encoders are reflected in precision and execution, while gradual encoders appear to be more conservative and functional. The safe operation of an air conditioner or refrigerator as a whole depends on a functioning compressor. Burnout, oiler failure, or low pressure and a lack of gas are all possible outcomes in the operation of a piston compressor, for instance. When these issues happen, the machine wouldn’t work right. The most effective method to rapidly and precisely distinguish and take care of these issues in time influences the blower working rate and item yield. This article will provide solutions to all common AC compressor issues. From the perspective of airflow, it could be that the wind pressure or the temperature of the compressed air is too high. If the protective device fails, this could cause carbon deposits to spontaneously burn and the pressure vessel to explode. The production will be affected by an inadequate or excessive volume of air, which is another potential issue. There are four kinds of issues with the compressor structure: problems with the lubrication system, the cooling water circuit, the compressed air circuit, and mechanical failure. Blower Shell Burnout The Babbitt layer of the main bearing shell or connecting rod bearing shell may burn or fall off when a piston compressor is running. This makes the temperature of the bearing shell increase, delivering high temperature and smoke, making the Babbitt composite dissolve. -1.1 Low Oil Temperature We have been concerned in the past about the crankcase’s high oil temperature, which could result in burnout. The manual states that the oil temperature cannot reach 60°C or 70°C, but there is no lowest temperature limit. Notwithstanding, oil temperature lower than the standard might cause a similar shortcoming. In winter, after the blower is closed down, the oil temperature in the crankcase of the blower is brought down. As a result, the oil is very viscous, and when the machine is turned back on, the shell burns. Consequently, it is smarter to utilize low-consistency oil in winter.