Avoid making these common errors

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Avoid making these common errors

Avoid making these common errors: Overly complicated folds: For a neat and sophisticated appearance, stick to classic and simple folds. Too much stuffing: Don’t stuff your pocket too much with fabric. Not changing the size: Ensure the handkerchief is the right size for your pocket, it ought to be marginally more modest than the actual pocket. Tips for fixing problems: If your pocket square is too small, try using one that is larger or folding it in half to make it look thicker. Use a small piece of double-sided tape to keep your folds in place if they keep falling flat. Watch tutorials online or ask a friend who has experience folding pocket squares for advice if you still have trouble. Keep in mind to have fun and try out various folds to discover your signature style. You’ll be a pro at pocket squares in no time with these tricks and tips! How to Arrange a Pocket Square for Various Outfits Any suit, tuxedo, or jacket can be dressed up with a pocket square, which is a versatile accessory. However, different outfits necessitate different folding strategies. How to fold a pocket square for various outfits is covered in this guide. The most widely used and adaptable style for a suit is the conventional presidential fold. Simply tuck the pocket square into the pocket with the folded edge facing up after folding it into thirds. A formal suit is made more elegant with this fold. The preferred styles for a tuxedo are the pointed puff or the two-point fold. The sharp puff includes collapsing the handkerchief into a triangle and afterward collapsing the sides in to make a puff. The pocket square is folded into a diamond shape using the two-point fold, with the bottom point folded up to form two points. A tuxedo gains an air of sophistication from these folds. The casual puff or the one-point fold are excellent choices for a jacket pocket. The easygoing puff includes essentially stuffing the handkerchief into the pocket, making a loose and easy look. The one-point fold involves tucking the pocket square into the pocket with the pointed edge facing up after folding it into a triangle. Keep in mind that trying different folds until you find one that works best for you and your outfit is the key to a perfect pocket square fold. For a one-of-a-kind and stylish appearance, don’t be afraid to combine different folds with different outfits.