How to Fold a Pocket Square Twelve Ways
How to Fold a Pocket Square Twelve Ways Pocket squares are a flexible embellishment that can raise any outfit. A pocket square can be folded in 12 different ways, making it easy to change your look for any occasion. There is a fold for every style and outfit, from traditional and formal to playful and trendy. Straightening Up: The simplest and most adaptable fold, this one is appropriate for any occasion. Simply tuck the pocket square into your pocket with the edges facing up after folding it in half twice to form a thin rectangle. The Fold of Puff: Your pocket square gains some volume and dimension with this fold. Tuck the middle of the fabric into your pocket by gently pulling it up. The Straight Fold: To make a triangle out of the pocket square, fold the corners inward to form a single point. This fold is great for formal events. The Double Fold: Like the one point overlap, however overlay the corners inwards two times to make two focuses. For a look that is more elaborate, this fold is ideal. The Fold in Three Places: To form a triangle, fold the pocket square in half diagonally, then fold it twice more to form three points. This fold is just what you need to make your outfit stand out. The Fourfold Strategy: Crease the handkerchief in half askew, then overlay the corners inwards to shape four focuses. This fold is great for events that are more formal. The Fold of the President: This traditional fold is sophisticated and sleek. The pocket square should be folded diagonally in half and then folded in half again. With the pointed end facing up, tuck it into your pocket. The Puff Fold in the Back: Similar to the puff fold, but with the edges facing down, tuck the fabric into your pocket. This fold is great for a look that is more laid-back and casual. The Fold of Cagney: This novel overlap is made by collapsing the handkerchief in half corner to corner, then moving the edges towards the middle. Get it into your pocket with the roll looking up.